Muppets, Christmas, and Dogs
Hello All - Merry Christmas Time
One of the things we do as a family around Christmas is to have family movie nights. This year we extended our tradition to the whole Flipside family and had our first Tech Team sponsored Family Movie Night. We watched "A Muppet Christmas Carol." 28 people came, including two families that are relatively new to the church and haven't connected with too many people - so I'll call that a success.
Had been having a lot of trouble with our Verizon DSL service, and I'm the kind of person who will give anybody a chance to fix a problem. So after I gave Verizon 6 of those chances, I fixed the problem by switching to Charter cable modem (and telephone and TV.) Now we have an internet connection faster than a T1 line and hopefully more reliable. That's my excuse for not having posted anything since October. Along with our switch, we also have new email addresses. If you didn't get an email from me with the new address, send me one and I'll get it to you - unless you're one of those leaching freeloaders trying to get free advertising or publicity by posting comments to other peoples' blogs, in which case I'll probably organize a SPAM campaign against you and report you as an abuser. So there.
Today we were watching The Muppet Christmas Movie (not the Christmas Carol, we did that a few weeks ago, remember), and the dogs were being so cute that I had to take picture to share with you. Snowball, the stupid white one, has been on a lot of meds lately trying to cure a nasty case of puppy mange. She's finally getting better and starting to look cute again. Unfortunately, it also makes here more less intelligent than usual so she does dumb thing like chew on the kids toys and wizz inside the house. Both things she has been trained not to do. But, that's boring stuff. Here's the pictures.

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